Newest Document:
The Plan: Reg 16, Referendum Version
August 23, 2024
August 23, 2024
The Marhamchurch Neighbourhood Plan sets out policies to guide and manage development in the parish. Based on the results of local consultation it sets out to help make Marhamchurch the place that locals would like it to be.
The plan states a vision for Marhamchurch, that it will be “a vibrant rural community, conserving the best of our heritage, promoting sustainable living and enabling needs to be met locally, with positive environmental outcomes”.
Topics are dealt with under chapter headings and the plan contains 13 policies.
Explaining more about what a Neighbourhood plan is, how far the plan has progressed and what its effect will be.
Describing the locality and key local issues, and setting out the wider planning context for the plan.
Vision, aims and objectives
Setting out the vision, aims and objectives against which the success of the plan can be measured.
Establishing policy for good, sustainable development, design and construction, protecting against light pollution and flooding, and setting out parameters for renewable energy schemes.
Policy MNP1: Development Boundary
Policy MNP2: Good Design
Policy MNP3: Light Pollution and Dark Skies
Policy MNP4: Flooding
Explaining the context for housing provision in Marhamchurch and setting policy to support provision of affordable homes.
MNP5: Affordable Housing
Describing local community life and setting policy to help maintain its vibrancy and protect local green spaces, footpaths, bridle paths, cycle paths and other routes.
Policy MNP6: A Strong and Sustainable Community
Policy MNP7: local Green Spaces
Policy MNP8: Footpaths, bridle paths, cycle paths and other routes
Establishing policies to support rural diversification and sustainable economic growth, including telecommunications infrastructure.
Policy MNP9: Sustainable Economic growth
Policy MNP10: Telecommunications
Setting policies to protect and enhance local heritage, landscape, coast and biodiversity and to address the climate emergency.
Policy MNP11: Heritage Assets
Policy MNP 12: Protecting the Landscape
Policy MNP13: Safeguarding the Coast
Delivery and Monitoring
Describing the roles of public and private sectors in helping to deliver the plan and explaining how its success can be monitored.
© 2023 Marhamchurch Neighbourhood Plan